Who we are
San Felipe NR is located in the Km. 18 district, in the Corregimiento of La Elvira, just 30 minutes from the city of Cali. In 2004 this region was declared by BirdLife International as an Important Area for the Conservation of Birds (AICA / IBA). Due to its geographical location, the property is part of the Aguacatal river basin, one of the most important hydrographic basins in biological terms in southwestern Colombia.
When you book at San Felipe NR, you are not only planning to spend a very special day observing or photographing a great variety of birds of the region, but also enjoy a magical and relaxing experience around a beautiful and natural reserve of 22 hectares, of which 13 are Rainforest.



Geography & Environment
Contact us
No matter where you are, or which service you need assistance with, you can call, write, or email us.